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How to manage my brace when my orthodontic practice is closed?

How can I manage my brace when my orthodontic practice is closed?

Navan Orthodontics is currently closed due to the Covid_19 Corona virus outbreak in Ireland. You may be wondering how to manage your brace while the practice is closed and we can’t see you. Or you may be worried about your brace or when your next orthodontic appointment will be. The main thing is, don’t panic. Your brace will be fine and a few extra weeks in treatment won’t cause any problems. There are also very few emergencies in orthodontics so broken brackets etc not a big problem.

What can I do to look after my brace?

At the moment, we don’t know exactly when we will be re-opening. You may have some questions regarding your brace. Navan Orthodontics have put together a few tips for caring for your teeth and brace in between now and your next visit:

  1. Drink water and milk only, limit sugary and fizzy drinks. glass of water being poured
  2. Snack on healthy foods. For instance, cheese, hummus, bread, yoghurts, fruit, vegetables. Avoid hard, chewy foods as these might break your brace. Click on the link below for healthy food ideas. foods for teeth and braces showing fruit and vegetables
  3. For those preparing for exams, avoid biting your nails or pens and keep up the good work, you are almost there!
  4. Brush your teeth for 2 minutes 3 times a day, you have all the time in the world now, there is no excuse! Spit out toothpaste but don’t rinse!! This leaves a layer of Fluoride on your teeth which makes your teeth stronger after the acid attack of eating. photo of girl brushing her teeth
  5. Don’t forget to use TePe’s or interproximal brushes under your brace/wires too and around your gums. A Fluoride mouthwash can be helpful to reduce your risk of decay. Use this at a different time to brushing your teeth. We recommend Fluorigard, by Colgate

Patients wearing elastics

If you are wearing elastics, aligners or retainers, make sure to wash your hands before and after touching them. Continue wearing your elastics as your orthodontist has prescribed unless told otherwise.

Invisalign patients

For our Invisalign wearers, continue wearing them as normal.  If you come to the end of your aligners, wear the last aligner for 14 hours/day as a retainer to hold the position of your teeth.

Twin Block patients

For patients wearing twin blocks or a removable brace, keep wearing them as your orthodontist has prescribed. Keep turning the expansion key too unless told otherwise.

Broken Bracket

If a bracket breaks, don’t worry. This is not an emergency. Dr Sinead or Dr Christine can fix this easily when we are up and running again.

Long Wire

If a wire is long and causing an ulcer, use the wax we have already given you. If this does not work, contact the practice.

Take home message

DO NOT go to your dentist or A&E for an orthodontic emergency.

Please contact us directly. Although we may not be open, we are here for you. The best way to contact us is though our instragram or facebook accounts (NavanOrtho), email us directly from our website or phone us on 046-9031777. If needed, we can arrange a voice or video call to help and direct you from there.

Not orthodontics related but just in case you want to know.

What is a true dental emergency?

This depends on the patient but true dental emergencies are:

  • severe dental pain
  • dental trauma
  • uncontrolled bleeding
  • facial swelling
  • neck swelling

Please phone your dentist if you have any of the above and they will give you advise and treat you appropriately.

Information on the Covid_19 Corona virus

image of corona virus on molecular level

HSE video on handwashing